Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Headless Phantoms of the Diplomat Hotel - Baguio City, Philippines

In May of 1915, Dominican priests began construction began on a seminary that sat on top of Dominican Hill in Baguio City in the Philippine Islands.  A couple of years after the seminary, Collegio del Santissimo Rosario opened, it was shutdown and became a retreat that doubled as a sanitarium.  However, a drastic turn of events during World War II would make this building one of the most haunted places in the Philippines.

The Diplomat Hotel on Dominican Hill in Baguio City in The Philippines is thought to be haunted by victims massacred during World War II

When the Japanese invaded the Philippines in 1941 during the second world war, many residents used the sanctum of the retreat as a place to shelter.  However, the Japanese showed no mercy and attacked the former seminary full force, causing major damage to the structure.  The priests and staff who ran he retreat as well as many residents were killed by the invading soldiers, many of them who did not die in the initial attack were beheaded.

The haunted Diplomat Hotel stands in a dilapidated state in Baguio City in The Philippines

The structure was renovated in the 1970s and became The Diplomat Hotel.  It fell out of use a decade later, but still stands today in a run down state.  The residents of Baguio City stay well away from The Diplomat because they fear what lay within it's walls.  Many curiosity seekers investigating The Diplomat have claimed to hear strange noises coming from within the hotel as if it were still in operation, which it has not been for some time.  Others claim to have heard agonizing cries of terror coming from the grounds. There are those few who have said they have seen the apparitions of headless victims from the past wandering through the hallways.  One phantom in particular was identified as wearing the clothing of a Dominican priest and others wore nun's habits.

It is said that plans are once again in the works to renovate The Diplomat Hotel.  If the plans come to fruition, it is most likely that it's current ethereal residents will remain.

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